Hatsu basho 2017 : résultats de la neuvième journée
L’ôzeki Kisenosato a perdu momentanément son avance en subissant sa toute première défaite du tournoi. Le yokozuna Hakuho a également perdu pour la deuxième fois consécutive.
L’ôzeki Kotoshogiku, qui risque d’être rétrogradé au rang de sekiwake, est parvenu à battre son homologue Kisenosato grâce à une charge solide et des poussées répétées à l’aide de son torse.
Hakuho a manqué sa chance de revenir au score quand il a été vaincu par Takayasu. Le yokozuna n’a pas réussi à faire face aux assauts du komusubi qui l’a chassé tout autour du dohyô avant de l’expulser.
Le maegashira 10 Takanoiwa est désormais au coude à coude avec Kisenosato. Le mongol est arrivé au kachi koshi en battant le bulgare Aoiyama.
Parmi les cinq lutteurs étant à 7-2, Ikioi a terminé la journée en remportant le second kinboshi de sa carrière grâce à sa victoire sur le yokozuna Kakuryu.
Sokokurai a été évincé par Ichinojo, tous les deux étant désormais au score de 7-2.
Le maegashira 8 Hokutofuji, également à 7-2, a complétement dominé le très populaire Endo.
Après avoir vaincu la veille Hakuho, le maegashira 2 Arawashi est venu à bout de l’ôzeki Terunofuji.
L’ôzeki Goeido a remporté sa sixième victoire en sortant le maegashira 3 Okinoumi.
Les lutteurs kachi koshi du jour sont
Les lutteurs make koshi du jour sont :
Ozeki Kisenosato surrendered his lead at the top of the New Year Grand Sumo Tournament, but Mongolian yokozuna Hakuho also fell for his second straight defeat on Monday, the tourney’s ninth day.
Ozeki Kotoshogiku (3-6), who will be demoted from the second-highest rank should he post a losing record at Ryogoku Kokugikan, forced Kisenosato out to his first loss after a solid charge and trademark grapple, in which he batters his opponents with his torso.
But Hakuho missed the chance to move back into a share of the lead as he went down to Takayasu (6-3), failing to deal with the lunge from the komusubi before he was chased around the ring and pushed out.
No. 10 Takanoiwa is now tied with Kisenosato at the top after he secured his eighth victory and a winning record with a defeat of No. 7 Aoiyama (4-5). The Bulgarian thrust the Mongolian to the edge, but lost his balance and was slapped down to the floor.
No. 2 Ikioi is one of five wrestlers at 7-2 after he completed the day of major shocks with a win over yokozuna Kakuryu, pushing out the Mongolian in an emphatic outing.
Sokokurai (7-2), from China’s Inner Mongolia, could also have moved into a tie for the lead but lost in a surprisingly tame bout, Mongolian No. 13 Ichinojo (7-2) overwhelming the No. 10 maegashira in a force-out win.
No. 8 maegashira Hokutofuji is the other wrestler with a 7-2 mark after he pushed out No. 4 maegashira and fan-favorite Endo (4-5).
Mongolian No. 2 maegashira Arawashi followed up his win against Hakuho a day earlier with another scalp off his high-ranked compatriot, flooring ozeki Terunofuji (4-5) with a right overarm throw for his third win of the tourney.
Ozeki Goeido earned his sixth win after he wrapped up No. 3 Okinoumi (2-7) and wheeled him out.
Written by Kyodo
Crédits photo : Asahi
Rikishis | Kimarites | Rikishis |
Osunaarashi 大砂嵐 (Maegashira 16) 3-6 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Daishomaru 大翔丸 (Maegashira 12) 3-6 |
Takakeisho 貴景勝 (Maegashira 12) 4-5 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Chiyootori 千代鳳 (Maegashira 14) 5-4 |
Chiyotairyû | | | hikiotoshi 引き落とし | | | Nishikigi 錦木 (Maegashira 11) 4-5 |
Kagayaki 輝 (Maegashira 11) 4-5 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Chiyoo 千代皇 (Maegashira 15) 3-6 |
Ichinojo 逸ノ城 (Maegashira 13) 7-2 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Sokokurai 蒼国来 (Maegashira 10) 7-2 |
Sadanoumi 佐田の海 (Maegashira 15) 6-3 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Ishiura 石浦 (Maegashira 9) 3-6 |
| | hatakikomi 叩き込み | | | Aoiyama 碧山 (Maegashira 7) 4-5 | |
Gagamaru 臥牙丸 (Maegashira 13) 3-6 | | | hatakikomi 叩き込み | | | Kotoyuki 琴勇輝 (Maegashira 6) 3-6 |
Chiyoshoma | | | uwatenage 上手投げ | | | Kaisei 魁聖 (Maegashira 9) 3-6 |
Chiyonokuni | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Yoshikaze 嘉風 (Maegashira 5) 3-6 |
Takekaze 豪風 (Maegashira 5) 6-3 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Myogiryu 妙義龍 (Maegashira 7) 3-6 |
Hokutofuji 北勝富士 (Maegashira 8) 7-2 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Endo |
Shôhôzan 松鳳山 (Maegashira 2) 3-6 | | | sukuinage 掬い投げ | | | Tochiôzan |
Takarafuji 宝富士 (Maegashira 1) 3-6 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Shodai 正代 (Sekiwake) 4-5 |
Tamawashi 玉鷲 (Sekiwake) 5-4 | | | tsukidashi 突き出し | | | Mitakeumi 御嶽海 (Maegashira 1) 6-3 |
Terunofuji 照ノ富士 (Ozeki) 4-5 | | | uwatenage 上手投げ | | | Arawashi 荒鷲 (Maegashira 2) 3-6 |
Okinoumi 隠岐の海 (Maegashira 3) 2-7 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Gôeidô 豪栄道 (Ozeki) 6-3 |
Kisenosato 稀勢の里 (ôzeki) 8-1 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Kotoshôgiku 琴奨菊 (Ozeki) 3-6 |
Takayasu 高安 (Komusubi) 6-3 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Hakuhô 白鵬 (Yokozuna) 7-2 |
Kakuryû 鶴竜 (Yokozuna) 5-4 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Ikioi 勢 (Maegashira 3) 7-2 |
DOSUKOI.FR -Le site français du sumo |
Rikishis | Kimarite | Rikishis |
Kizenryu | | | kotenage 小手投げ | | | Rikishin 力真 (Juryô 12) 3-6 |
Satoyama 里山 (Juryô 11) 6-3 | | | uchigake 内掛け | | | Ryuden 竜電 (Juryô 10) 4-5 |
Amuru | | | hatakikomi 叩き込み | | | Asahishô 旭日松 (Juryô 12) 3-6 |
Wakanoshima 若乃島 (Juryô 14) 3-6 | | | kotenage 小手投げ | | | Amakaze 天風 (Juryô 9) 5-4 |
Yamaguchi 山口 (Juryô 9) 5-4 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Homarefuji 誉富士 (Juryô 11) 6-3 |
Terutsuyoshi 照強 (Juryô 13) 5-4 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Tsurugisho 剣翔 (Juryô 8) 6-3 |
Daiamami 大奄美 (Juryô 13) 6-3 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Onosho 阿武咲 (Juryô 5) 5-4 |
Seiro 青狼 (Juryô 4) 3-6 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Tokushôryû 徳勝龍 (Juryô 8) 7-2 |
Aminishiki 安美錦 (Juryô 7) 3-6 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Chiyomaru 千代丸 (Juryô 3) 3-6 |
Ura 宇良 (Juryô 3) 7-2 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Kyokutaisei 旭大星 (Juryô 7) 4-5 |
Kotoeko 琴恵光 (Juryô 6) 3-6 | | | tsukidashi 突き出し | | | Daieisho 大栄翔 (Juryô 2) 7-2 |
Kyokushuho | | | tsukidashi 突き出し | | | Kitataiki 北太樹 (Juryô 5) 2-7 |
Oyanagi | | | yoritaoshi 寄り倒し | | | Hidenoumi 英乃海 (Juryô 1) 5-4 |
Toyohibiki 豊響 (Juryô 1) 5-4 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Azumaryu 東龍 (Juryô 4) 3-6 |
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