Takakeisho contre Kiribayama
L’ôzeki Takakeisho s’est remis de sa deuxième défaite de la veille avec aujourd’hui une septième victoire, et reste dans un groupe de sept lutteurs tous en lice pour le titre.
Après avoir perdu son avance hier, Takakeisho a repoussé Kiribayama (6-3) dans l’avant-dernier combat avant de le chasser hors du dohyo.
Dans le dernier combat de la journée, Asanoyama (6-3) a failli être victime d’une esquive de Tochinoshin (4-5) au moment du départ mais l’ozeki était solide sur ses appuis et a écarté le Géorgien d’un coup pour rester en lice pour la Coupe de l’Empereur.
Shodai (7-2) a frôlé la défaite contre son camarade sekiwake Daieisho (3-6), qui a failli gagner, mais les deux hommes ont reçu l’ordre de refaire le combat car les juges avaient considéré qu’ils n’avaient pas touché le sol en même temps.
Terunofuji (7-2) a remporté sa septième victoire consécutive après s’être emparé de Hokutofuji (3-6) et avoir exécuté une poussée au bon moment.
Wakatakakage (7-2) a contourné Takayasu (6-3) en gardant la tête basse et en se déplaçant agilement sur le côté pour se mettre derrière l’ancien ôzeki et le renvoyer hors du dohyo.
Après deux faux départs contre Kotoshoho (6-3), Onosho (7-2) a poussé son adversaire de l’autre côté des ballots de paille.
Tobizaru (7-2), qui combat pour la première fois dans la première division , est également resté dans le peloton des leaders après avoir vaincu Meisei (5-4).
Les lutteurs kachi koshi du jour sont
Les lutteurs make koshi du jour sont :
Ozeki Takakeisho recovered from his second loss at the Autumn Grand Sumo Tournament with a victory on Monday, Day 9, and stayed among a group of seven wrestlers all vying for the title.
After relinquishing his sole lead a day earlier, Takakeisho fended off shoves from No. 5 maegashira Kiribayama (6-3) in the penultimate bout at Tokyo’s Ryogoku Kokugikan and spun the rank-and-filer around before chasing him off the raised ring.
In the day’s final bout, Asanoyama (6-3) nearly fell victim to another dodging start by No. 4 Tochinoshin (4-5), who had slapped Takakeisho down to his second defeat.
But the ozeki, competing in his second tournament at sumo’s second-highest rank, planted himself on the clay and tossed aside the Georgian with an overarm throw to remain in contention for the Emperor’s Cup.
Shodai (7-2) survived a scare against fellow sekiwake Daieisho (3-6), who nearly won by push-out before the grapplers were ordered to fight again when it was deemed they both hit the ground out at the same time.
Shodai was again on the receiving end of a strong shoving attack from the new sekiwake, but held his ground at the edge before thrusting Daieisho down.
No. 1 Terunofuji (7-2), a former ozeki and winner of the July meet, earned his seventh straight win after getting a hold of No. 2 Hokutofuji (3-6) and executing a well-timed thrust-down.
No. 8 Wakatakakage (7-2) worked his way around the big frame of No. 6 Takayasu (6-3), keeping his head low and nimbly moving aside to get behind the former ozeki and send him out of the ring.
No. 9 Onosho (7-2) saw his drives stopped twice by No. 12 Kotoshoho (6-3) but made it count on his third attempt by shoving him over the straw bales.
No. 14 Tobizaru (7-2), battling in the top division for the first time, also stayed in the pack of leaders after dispatching No. 13 Meisei (5-4).
After managing to hold out against Meisei’s armlock-throw attempts, the makuuchi rookie found himself backtracking to the edge but eventually recovered for a push-out win.
Written by Kyodo
Crédits photo : Asahi
Rikishis | Score | Kimarites | Score | Rikishis |
Shimanoumi 志摩ノ海 (Maegashira 15) | | | | | Kotonowaka 琴ノ若 (Juryo 2) | |
Shôhôzan 松鳳山 (Maegashira 15) | | | | | Ishiura 石浦 (Maegashira 13) | |
Meisei 明生 (Maegashira 13) | | | | | Tobizaru 翔猿 (Maegashira 14) | |
Hoshoryu 遠藤 (Maegashira 16) | | | | | Kaisei 魁聖 (Maegashira 12) | |
Kotoshoho 琴勝峰 (Maegashira 12) | | | | | Onosho 阿武咲 (Maegashira 9) | |
Enho 炎鵬 (Maegashira 9) | | | | | Ichinojo 逸ノ城 (Maegashira 17) | |
Tokushoryu 徳勝龍 (Maegashira 8) | | | | | Kotoshôgiku 琴奨菊 (Maegashira 11) | |
| | | | | Aoiyama 碧山 (Maegashira 7) | |
Ryuden 竜電 (Maegashira 7) | | | | | Kotoeko 琴恵光 (Maegashira 10) | |
Sadanoumi 佐田の海 (Maegashira 10) | | | | | Kagayaki 輝 (Maegashira 6) | |
Takayasu 高安 (Maegashira 6) | | | | | Wakatakakage 若隆景 (Maegashira 8) | |
Takarafuji 宝富士 (Maegashira 5) | | | | | Tamawashi 玉鷲 (Maegashira 2) | |
Terunofuji 照ノ富士 (Maegashira 1) | | | | | | |
Takanosho 隆の勝 (Maegashira 1) | | | | | Endo 遠藤 (Komusubi) | |
Okinoumi 隠岐の海 (Komusubi) | | | | | Terutsuyoshi 照強 (Maegashira 3) | |
Myogiryu 妙義龍 (Maegashira 3) | | | | | | |
Shodai 正代 (Sekiwake) | | | | | Daieisho 大栄翔 (Sekiwake) | |
Kiribayama 貴ノ富士 (Maegashira 5) | | | | | | |
Asanoyama 朝乃山 (Ozeki) | | | | | Tochinoshin 栃ノ心 (Maegashira 4) |
Rikishis | Score | Kimarites | Score | Rikishis |
Kitaharima 北磻磨 (Juryo 14) | | | | | Chiyonokuni 千代の国 (Juryo 11) | |
Hakuyozan 白鷹山 (Juryo 11) | | | | | Oki 王輝 (Juryo 13) | |
Daishoho 大翔鵬 (Juryo 12) | | | | | Chiyootori 千代鳳 (Juryo 9) | |
Hidenoumi 英乃海 (Juryo 9) | | | | | Nishikifuji 錦富士 (Juryo 13) | |
Midorifuji 翠富士 (Juryo 10) | | | | | Tsurugisho 剣翔 (Juryo 8) | |
Chiyonoo 千代ノ皇 (Juryo 6) | | | | | Akiseyama 明瀬山 (Juryo 10) | |
Chiyoshoma 千代翔馬 (Juryo 4) | | | | | Churanoumi 美ノ海 (Juryo 7) | |
Mitoryu 水戸龍 (Juryo 8) | | | | | Chiyomaru 千代丸 (Juryo 3) | |
Wakamotoharu (Juryo 3) | | | | | Daiamami 大奄美 (Juryo 4) | |
Kotoyuki 琴勇輝 (Juryo 2) | | | | | Akua 天空海 (Juryo 6) | |
Kyokushuho 旭秀鵬 (Juryo 5) | | | | | Nishikigi 錦木 (Juryo 1) | |
Ikioi 勢 (Juryo 1) | | | | | Daishomaru 大翔丸 (Juryo 5) |
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