Takayasu contre Takekaze
Le yokozuna Kisenosato et le sekiwake Takayasu, tous deux lutteurs de l’écurie de Tagonoura, ont préservé leur avantage en amenant leur score respectif à 9-0 ce lundi.
Le sekiwake Kotoshogiku a fait irruption sur Kisenosato avec une forte charge, mettant seulement quelques secondes pour conduire le yokozuna sur le bord de l’anneau, mais Kotoshogiku a ensuite perdu l’équilibre et est tombé à terre pour sa troisième défaite du championnat.
Kisenosato a maintenant 30 victoires contre 33 défaites face à Kotoshogiku.
Takekaze a tenté de surprendre Takayasu en fuyant vers la gauche mais le sekiwake est resté calme et a utilisé sa main gauche pour amener le maegashira 1 vers sa sixième défaite.
A six jours de la fin, l’ôzeki Terunofuji et le maegashira 10 Tochiozan continuent de talonner les leaders avec huit victoires.
Terunofuji, qui aurait été rétrogradé s’il n’était pas parvenu à atteindre une majorité de victoires dans ce tournoi, est désormais hors de danger. En battant le maegashira 1 Ikioi, le mongol a condamné son adversaire au make koshi.
Tochiozan a battu le maegashira 15 Tokushoryu (6-3) et obtient sa huitième victoire.
Deux lutteurs mongols ont amélioré leur résultat à 7-2 – le yokozuna Kakuryu, qui a évincé le maegashira 3 Takarafuji (5-4) avec des poussées à la gorge, et Chiyoshoma, qui a battu le maegashira 6 Aoiyama (4-5).
Le yokozuna Harumafuji (6-3) a résisté à plusieurs tentatives de projection d’Arawashi (2-7), mais le champion a finalement succombé, offrant à son adversaire le troisième kinboshi de sa carrière.
Le maegashira 5 Endo a vaincu Okinoumi (5-4) pour sa sixième victoire, tandis que Daishomaru et Takakeisho ont eux aussi amélioré leur score à 6-3 après avoir respectivement triomphé de Kotoyuki (2-7) et de Nishikigi (3-6).
Les lutteurs kachi koshi du jour sont
Les lutteurs make koshi du jour sont :
Yokozuna Kisenosato and sekiwake Takayasu, both wrestlers of the Tagonoura stable, remained in a share of the lead with 9-0 records Monday at the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament.
Sekiwake Kotoshogiku made a strong charge against Kisenosato, taking little time to bulldoze the new grand champion to the edge of the ring at Edion Arena Osaka, but lost his balance and fell to the ground to his third loss as his opponent sidestepped his shove.
Kisenosato now has 30 wins against 33 losses to Kotoshigiku in their head-to-head record.
After clashing in their faceoff, Takekaze gave Takayasu a big shove leftward but the sekiwake stayed calm and used his left hand to slap the top-ranked maegashira down to his sixth defeat. Takayasu improved to 4-10 against Takekaze.
With six days remaining in the 15-day tourney, Mongolian ozeki Terunofuji and No. 10 maegashira Tochiozan are one pace off the leaders.
Terunofuji, who would have been demoted with a losing record at this meet, ascertained he will retain his status by edging out No. 1 maegashira Ikioi (1-7) to pick up his eighth win here and second against Ikioi in their ninth meeting.
Tochiozan slapped down 15th-ranked maegashira Tokushoryu (6-3) to improve to 8-1.
Two Mongolian wrestlers stand another win back at 7-2 — yokozuna Kakuryu, who pushed out No. 3 maegashira Takarafuji (5-4) with thrusts to the throat, and seventh-ranked Chiyoshoma, who defeated Bulgarian No. 6 maegashira Aoiyama (4-5).
Yokozuna Harumafuji (6-3) withstood several underarm throw attempts by Arawashi (2-7) but finally succumbed to the No. 4 maegashira as he stepped outside the edge of the ring backward after being able to maintain his balance.
No. 5 maegashira Endo edged out eighth-ranked Okinoumi (5-4) for his sixth win, while two 13th-ranked maegashira Daishomaru and Takakeisho also improved to 6-3 after shoving out ninth-ranked Kotoyuki (2-7) and No. 16 maegashira Nishikigi (3-6), respectively.
Written by Kyodo
Crédits photo : Asahi
Rikishis | Kimarites | Rikishis |
Takakeisho 貴景勝 (Maegashira 13) 6-3 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Nishikigi 錦木 (Maegashira 16) 3-6 |
Myogiryu 妙義龍 (Maegashira 14) 4-5 | | | yoritaoshi 寄り倒し | | | Ura 宇良 (Maegashira 12) 4-5 |
Sadanoumi | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Chiyoo 千代皇 (Maegashira 15) 3-6 |
Daieisho 大栄翔 (Maegashira 11) 5-4 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Kyokushuho 旭秀鵬 (Maegashira 14) 2-7 |
Tokushôryû 徳勝龍 (Maegashira 15) 6-3 | | | hatakikomi 叩き込み | | | Tochiôzan 栃煌山 (Maegashira 10) 8-1 |
Daishomaru 大翔丸 (Maegashira 13) 6-3 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Kotoyuki 琴勇輝 (Maegashira 9) 2-7 |
Kagayaki 輝 (Maegashira 9) 4-5 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Ishiura 石浦 (Maegashira 11) 4-5 |
Chiyoshoma 千代翔馬 (Maegashira 7) 7-2 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Aoiyama 碧山 (Maegashira 6) 4-5 |
Chiyonokuni 千代の国 (Maegashira 6) 6-3 | | | hatakikomi 叩き込み | | | Tochinoshin 栃ノ心 (Maegashira 10) 4-5 |
Endo | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Okinoumi 隠岐の海 (Maegashira 8) 5-4 |
Yoshikaze 嘉風 (Maegashira 4) 5-4 | | | shitatehineri 下手捻り | | | Ichinojo 逸ノ城 (Maegashira 7) 3-6 |
Shôhôzan 松鳳山 (Maegashira 3) 2-7 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Kaisei |
Hokutofuji 北勝富士 (Maegashira 5) 3-6 | | | yoritaoshi 寄り倒し | | | Takanoiwa |
Mitakeumi 御嶽海 (Komusubi) 4-5 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Shodai 正代 (Komusubi) 4-5 |
Takekaze 豪風 (Maegashira 1) 2-7 | | | hatakikomi 叩き込み | | | Takayasu 高安 (Sekiwake) 9-0 |
Tamawashi 玉鷲 (Sekiwake) 5-4 | | | okuridashi 送り出し | | | Sokokurai 蒼国来 (Maegashira 2) 3-6 |
Ikioi 勢 (Maegashira 1) 1-8 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Terunofuji 照ノ富士 (ôzeki) 8-1 |
Kotoshôgiku | | | tsukiotoshi 突き落とし | | | Kisenosato 稀勢の里 (Yokozuna) 9-0 |
Harumafuji 日馬富士 (Yokozuna) 6-3 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Arawashi 荒鷲 (Maegashira 4) 2-7 |
Takarafuji 宝富士 (Maegashira 3) 5-4 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Kakuryû 鶴竜 (Yokozuna) 7-2 |
DOSUKOI.FR -Le site français du sumo |
Rikishis | Kimarite | Rikishis |
Takagenji | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | |
Terutsuyoshi 照強 (Juryô 14) 6-3 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Kitaharima 北磻磨 (Juryô 11) 2-7 |
Satoyama | | | katasukashi 肩透かし | | | Seiro 青狼 (Juryô 10) 5-4 |
Kitataiki 北太樹 (Juryô 11) 4-5 | | | uwate dashinage 上手出し投げ | | | Azumaryu 東龍 (Juryô 9) 5-4 |
| | oshitaoshi 押し倒し | | | Ryuden 竜電 (Juryô 8) 3-6 | |
Tsurugisho 剣翔 (Juryô 8) 5-4 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Aminishiki 安美錦 (Juryô 12) 5-4 |
Asahishô 旭日松 (Juryô 13) 4-5 | | | yoritaoshi 寄り倒し | | | Amakaze 天風 (Juryô 7) 5-4 |
Osunaarashi 大砂嵐 (Juryô 7) 7-2 | | | oshitaoshi 押し倒し | | | Asanoyama 朝乃山 (Juryô 12) 5-4 |
Daiamami 大奄美 (Juryô 9) 5-4 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Kyokutaisei 旭大星 (Juryô 6) 5-4 |
Yamaguchi 山口 (Juryô 6) 5-4 | | | yoritaoshi 寄り倒し | | | Toyohibiki 豊響 (Juryô 3) 7-2 |
Hidenoumi 英乃海 (Juryô 3) 6-3 | | | tsukiotoshi 突き落とし | | | Oyanagi |
Chiyomaru 千代丸 (Juryô 4) 4-5 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Onosho 阿武咲 (Juryô 2) 6-3 |
Gagamaru 臥牙丸 (Juryô 2) 4-5 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Kotoeko 琴恵光 (Juryô 5) 4-5 |
Homarefuji 誉富士 (Juryô 5) 2-7 | | | tsukidashi 突き出し | | | Chiyotairyû 千代大龍 (Juryô 1) 3-6 |
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