Endo a fait preuve d'une grande maîtrise pour vaincre le yokozuna Hakuho
Le populaire maegashira 1 Endo a mis à ses pieds le yokozuna Hakuho lors du deuxième jour du tournoi.
Après une victoire sur le grand champion Kakuryu la veille, le lutteur de 29 ans a esquivé la charge d’ouverture de Hakuho. Bien que Hakuho ait réagi rapidement, il a semblé paniquer en manquant à trois reprises ses lancés.
Lors du dernier essai, Hakuho (1-1) a perdu son équilibre et est tombé en arrière. Les coussins jetés depuis les tribunes pleuvaient sur le dohyo, tandis que la foule se levait et scandait le nom d’Endo.
Endo a déclaré qu’il ne s’attendait pas à ce qu’Hakuho essaie de le contourner.
« Ma concentration était vraiment bonne et j’ai pu réagir« , a déclaré Endo, qui a marqué sa deuxième victoire contre Hakuho en 13 combats de carrière.
Kakuryu, quant à lui, a rebondi après sa défaite maladroite la veille, en giflant le komusubi Abi (0-2) dans le dernier combat.
Comme Hakuho, l’ozeki Takakeisho, a payé le prix pour avoir tenté de contourner son adversaire. L’ozeki a visé l’épaule droite de Hokutofuji, mais le maegashira 2 a pivoté vers sa droite et l’a facilement chassé.
« L’ozeki est vraiment fort sur la charge. Il a favorisé une attaque sur le côté gauche et j’étais déterminé à tenir le coup« , a déclaré Hokutofuji (2-0).
Goeido, qui a besoin de huit victoires pour conserver son rang d’ozeki, a chargé Mitakeumi (1-1) de nouveau mais l’a laissé filer et a été vaincu une nouvelle fois.
Le sekiwake Takayasu a remporté la première des 10 victoires dont il a besoin pour retrouver son statut d’ozeki en s’imposant face à Okinoumi (1-1).
Le nouveau sekiwake Asanoyama est passé à 2-0 en repoussant le numéro 3 Tamawashi (1-1). Asanoyama était projeté hors du dohyo, mais le maegashira mongol a perdu son emprise et s’est retrouvé poussé par derrière.
Le maegashira 4 Shodai a aussi amélioré son score à 2-0 avec une victoire sur Enho.
Kiribayama (1-1), qui vient d’être promu en division makuuchi a subi sa première défaite. Le maegashira 17 a été giflé par le juryo 2 Kotonowaka (1-1).
L’ancien ozeki Tochinoshin a obtenu une victoire laborieuse contre Onosho (0-2).
Popular No. 1 maegashira Endo brought Tokyo’s Ryogoku Kokugikan to its feet on Monday with a stunning upset of yokozuna Hakuho on the New Year Grand Sumo Tournament’s second day.
It was the second yokozuna scalp for Endo at the 15-day tourney. Coming off a win over Mongolian grand champion Kakuryu on Day 1, the 29-year-old dodged Hakuho’s opening charge. Although Hakuho quickly reacted, he appeared to go into panic mode and three times failed to execute a throw.
On the final try, Hakuho (1-1) lost his balance and fell over backward. Cushions flung from the stands rained down upon the raised ring, while the crowd stood and chanted Endo’s name.
Endo said he had not expected Hakuho to try and get around him on the charge.
« My concentration was really good and I was able to react, » said Endo, who scored his second win against Hakuho in 13 career bouts.
Kakuryu, meanwhile, rebounded from his awkward Day 1 loss, slapping down komusubi Abi (0-2) in the day’s final bout.
Like Hakuho, 23-year-old ozeki Takakeisho paid the price for trying to get around his opponent on the charge. With the ozeki aiming for Hokutofuji’s right shoulder, the No. 2 maegashira pivoted to his right and easily shoved him out.
« The ozeki is really strong on the charge. He has favored a left-side attack and I was determined to hold my own, » Hokutofuji (2-0) said.
Goeido, who needs eight wins to retain his ozeki ranking after going winless in November, charged No. 2 Mitakeumi (1-1) back to the straw but let him slip away and was instead forced out to a second loss.
Sekiwake Takayasu earned the first of 10 victories he will need to regain his lost ozeki status with some of his trademark tip-toeing along the straw bales. Instead of being shoved out by No. 4 Okinoumi (1-1), Takayasu performed a tight-rope walk along the ring’s edge while the maegashira lost his balance and stepped out.
New sekiwake Asanoyama improved to 2-0 by shoving out No. 3 Tamawashi (1-1). Asanoyama was being swung out of the ring, but the Mongolian maegashira lost his grip and instead found himself being shoved out from behind.
No. 4 maegashira Shodai improved to 2-0 with a win over pesky 99-kilogram No. 5 Enho.
A day after Enho escaped from a dire disadvantage to come away with his first victory of the meet, Shodai quickly immobilized his lightweight opponent. Enho lunged around Shodai’s left for a belt hold on the charge, but came up empty and instead walked into a headlock.
With his opponent gripping the back of his belt, Enho tried to wriggle away but only managed to fall backward as Shodai attempted an overarm throw.
Kiribayama (1-1), who earned his first promotion to the elite makuuchi division by winning his last five bouts as a juryo-division wrestler in November, tasted his first defeat of the new year. The No. 17 maegashira was slapped down by No. 2 juryo Kotonowaka (1-1).
Former ozeki Tochinoshin evened his record as a No. 6 maegashira at 1-1 with a laborious shove-out win over No. 7 Onosho (0-2).
Written by Kyodo
Crédits photo : Asahi
Rikishis | Score | Kimarites | Score | Rikishis |
Kiribayama 貴ノ富士 (Maegashira 17) | | | | | Kotonowaka 琴ノ若 (Juryo 2) | |
Tokushoryu 徳勝龍 (Maegashira 17) | | | | | Kaisei 魁聖 (Maegashira 16) | |
Azumaryu 東龍 (Maegashira 15) | | | | | Tochiôzan 栃煌山 (Maegashira 16) | |
Ikioi 勢 (Maegashira 15) | | | | | Shimanoumi 志摩ノ海 (Maegashira 14) | |
Kotoshôgiku 琴奨菊 (Maegashira 13) | | | | | Terutsuyoshi 照強 (Maegashira 14) | |
Kotoeko 琴恵光 (Maegashira 13) | | | | | Chiyomaru 千代丸 (Maegashira 12) | |
| | | | | Tsurugisho 剣翔 (Maegashira 12) | |
Kagayaki 輝 (Maegashira 11) | | | | | Ishiura 石浦 (Maegashira 10) | |
Takanosho 隆の勝 (Maegashira 9) | | | | | Sadanoumi 佐田の海 (Maegashira 10) | |
Yutakayama 豊山 (Maegashira 9) | | | | | Ryuden 竜電 (Maegashira 8) | |
Shôhôzan 松鳳山 (Maegashira 7) | | | | | Aoiyama 碧山 (Maegashira 8) | |
Onosho 阿武咲 (Maegashira 7) | | | | | Tochinoshin 栃ノ心 (Maegashira 6) | |
Meisei 明生 (Maegashira 5) | | | | | Takarafuji 宝富士 (Maegashira 6) | |
Enho 炎鵬 (Maegashira 5) | | | | | Shodai 正代 (Maegashira 4) | |
Myogiryu 妙義龍 (Maegashira 1) | | | | | Daieisho 大栄翔 (Komusubi) | |
Asanoyama 朝乃山 (Sekiwake) | | | | | Tamawashi 玉鷲 (Maegashira 3) | |
Okinoumi 隠岐の海 (Maegashira 4) | | | | | Takayasu 高安 (Sekiwake) | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | Gôeidô 豪栄道 (Ozeki) | |
| | | | | Endo 遠藤 (Maegashira 1) | |
Abi 阿炎 (Komusubi) | | | | | |
Rikishis | Score | Kimarites | Score | Rikishis |
Chiyootori 千代鳳 (Juryo 13) | | | | | Hoshoryu 遠藤 (Juryo 14) | |
Sakigake 魁 (Juryo 14) | | | | | Terunofuji 照ノ富士 (Juryo 13) | |
Toyonoshima 豊ノ島 (Juryo 11) | | | | | Asagyokusei 朝玉勢 (Juryo 12) | |
Churanoumi 美ノ海 (Juryo 12) | | | | | Irodori 彩 (Juryo 11) | |
Kyokushuho 旭秀鵬 (Juryo 9) | | | | | Sokokurai 蒼国来 (Juryo 10) | |
Takagenji 貴源治 (Juryo 10) | | | | | Akua 天空海 (Juryo 9) | |
Kotoshoho 琴勝峰 (Juryo 8) | | | | | Yago 矢後 (Juryo 7) | |
Kyokutaisei 旭大星 (Juryo 8) | | | | | Tobizaru 翔猿 (Juryo 6) | |
Wakatakakage 若隆景 (Juryo 5) | | | | | Daiamami 大奄美 (Juryo 6) | |
Ichinojo 逸ノ城 (Juryo 7) | | | | | Daishoho 大翔鵬 (Juryo 5) | |
Daishomaru 大翔丸 (Juryo 3) | | | | | Nishikigi 錦木 (Juryo 4) | |
Mitoryu 水戸龍 (Juryo 4) | | | | | Kizakiumi 木崎海 (Juryo 3) | |
Hidenoumi 英乃海 (Juryo 2) | | | | | Chiyoshoma 千代翔馬 (Juryo 1) |
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Endo-Hakuho palpitant aujourd'hui!
Je voulais vous remercier pour ce site et tous les efforts pour nous faire part de chaque journée de sumo.
J'avouerais avoir 'lâché' le sumo lors de l'intaï d'Asashoryu (il y a un paquet d'années maintenant) avant d'y revenir il y a quelques mois, grâce à ce site.
J'y ai retrouvé des têtes connues comme Hakuho, Kakuryu, Goeido, et en ai découvert d'autres qui me font passer de bons moments: Enho, Endo, Tochinoshin (malheureusement pas très en forme), Takayasu (non plus) Mitakeumi et Asanoyama.
J'en étais resté à Asashoryu, Hakuho, Kaio, Kotoshu, Baruto...qui me ravissaient.
Bien impatient pour la suite de ce tournoi, et je plains le prochain adversaire d'Hakuho ;o)
Merci pour votre message. Profitez bien du tournoi