Kisenosato contre Kakuryu
Kisenosato a participé au tournoi aujourd’hui malgré sa blessure mais il a été impuissant face à Kakuryu. Le nouveau yokozuna s’est vu infliger une deuxième défaite permettant à Terunofuji de prendre la tête du classement.
La participation de Kisenosato était incertaine à cause de son épaule gauche blessée la veille lors de sa rencontre avec Harumafuji.
Kakuryu (9-5), a facilement obtenu une prise à la ceinture de Kisenosato, puis l’a forcé à sortir du dohyô en quelques secondes.
Kisenosato a débuté ce tournoi avec 12 victoires consécutives mais devra encore affronter demain Terunofuji. Ce dernier a obtenu sa 13e victoire face à Kotoshogiku (8-6).
La manière dont Terunofuji a gagné son combat a été huée par le public. L’ôzeki a esquivé la charge de son adversaire et reste une victoire en avance sur Kisenosato. Terunofuji a désormais une main sur la coupe et pourrait remporter demain le second titre de sa carrière.
Le mongol de 25 ans, dont les résultats ont été entravés par des blessures depuis sa promotion au rang d’ôzeki en juillet 2015, a remporté seulement quatre combats en janvier et aurait pu être rétrogradé comme sekiwake en mai prochain s’il n’a pas réussi à atteindre le kachi kochi.
Kotoshogiku a subi une défaite cruciale voyant ses espoirs de retrouver son rang d’ôzeki s’envoler. Sa sixième défaite le condamne à rester sekiwake au prochain tournoi.
Il repart à zéro et devra totaliser environ 33 victoires en trois tournois consécutifs pour revenir au second plus haut rang du sumo – une position qu’il a occupée pendant 32 tournois.
Harumafuji a subi sa quatrième défaite face à son compatriote Tamawashi (8-6). Le sekiwake mongol a obtenu une victoire rapide sur le yokozuna qui a perdu l’équilibre.
Le sekiwake Takayasu (11-3) a renoué avec la victoire après trois défaites consécutives et s’est s’imposé face à Takarafuji (6-8). Les deux hommes se sont livrés un combat de longue haleine mais Takayasu a été le plus endurant conduisant le maegashira 3 vers sa huitième défaite.
Les lutteurs kachi koshi du jour sont
Les lutteurs make koshi du jour sont :
Injury-hit yokozuna Kisenosato took to the ring but was powerless to prevent his second defeat in two days at the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament on Saturday, when ozeki Terunofuji took the sole with one day remaining.
Kisenosato’s participation at Edion Arena Osaka was doubtful after he landed on his left shoulder in his Friday defeat to fellow yokozuna Harumafuji. He entered the ring heavily taped ahead of his bout with Mongolian grand champion Kakuryu.
But it proved to be in vain as the 30-year-old’s early slap was easily dealt with by Kakuryu (9-5), who easily had both his hands around Kisenosato’s belt and forced him out in seconds as the packed crowd watched on in silence.
Kisenosato started with an impressive 12 straight wins in his yokozuna debut but now trails his Sunday opponent, Terunofuji, who got his 13th win against Kotoshogiku (8-6).
The manner of the victory drew boos from the crowd, however, as Terunofuji dodged his opponent’s charge and slapped down the onrushing sekiwake. But Terunofuji will now go into the showdown on the final day with his second title at stake.
The 25-year-old Mongolian, whose progress has been hampered by injuries since he was promoted to the rank ahead of the July 2015 grand tournament, won only four bouts in January and could have been demoted to sekiwake if he failed to secure a winning record here.
It was a crucial defeat for Kotoshogiku, whose back-to-back losing records as ozeki saw him demoted to sekiwake here. He could have regained his ozeki ranking with 10 wins, but the sixth defeat eliminated that opportunity.
He now starts from scratch, needing around 33 wins over three tourneys to return to the second-highest echelon — a position he occupied for 32 tourneys.
Harumafuji suffered his fourth defeat at the hands of countryman Tamawashi (8-6). The Mongolian sekiwake secured his winning record after matching a quick charge from the yokozuna, keeping himself on the front foot before winning on a crash out as the grand champion lost his balance slightly.
Sekiwake Takayasu (11-3) ended his three-day losing streak after outlasting Takarafuji (6-8), who fell to a losing record. Both grapplers had left underarm belt holds and neither could pull off a decisive touch in the battle of endurance but Takayasu had the stamina to mount one last drive and send the No. 3 maegashira over the ridge.
Written by Kyodo
Crédits photo : Asahi
Rikishis | Kimarites | Rikishis |
Nishikigi 錦木 (Maegashira 16) 5-9 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Ura 宇良 (Maegashira 12) 7-7 |
Kyokushuho 旭秀鵬 (Maegashira 14) 4-10 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Ishiura 石浦 (Maegashira 11) 7-7 |
Tochinoshin | | | tsukiotoshi 突き落とし | | | Tokushôryû 徳勝龍 (Maegashira 15) 8-6 |
Takakeisho 貴景勝 (Maegashira 13) 10-4 | | | hatakikomi 叩き込み | | | Tochiôzan 栃煌山 (Maegashira 10) 10-4 |
Kaisei 魁聖 (Maegashira 8) 3-6-5 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Daieisho 大栄翔 (Maegashira 11) 10-4 |
Ichinojo 逸ノ城 (Maegashira 7) 6-8 | | | uwate dashinage 上手出し投げ | | | Sadanoumi 佐田の海 (Maegashira 12) 4-10 |
Myogiryu 妙義龍 (Maegashira 14) 6-8 | | | hatakikomi 叩き込み | | | Chiyoshoma 千代翔馬 (Maegashira 7) 9-5 |
Daishomaru 大翔丸 (Maegashira 13) 7-7 | | | hatakikomi 叩き込み | | | Aoiyama 碧山 (Maegashira 6) 7-7 |
Endo 遠藤 (Maegashira 5) 7-7 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Kagayaki 輝 (Maegashira 9) 6-8 |
Kotoyuki | | | hatakikomi 叩き込み | | | Hokutofuji 北勝富士 (Maegashira 5) 6-8 |
Yoshikaze 嘉風 (Maegashira 4) 8-6 | | | abisetaoshi 浴せ倒し | | | Okinoumi 隠岐の海 (Maegashira 8) 9-5 |
Takekaze 豪風 (Maegashira 1) 5-9 | | | hikiotoshi 引き落とし | | | Sokokurai |
Takanoiwa 貴ノ岩 (Maegashira 2) 5-9 | | | shitate dashinage 下手出し投げ | | | Ikioi |
Mitakeumi 御嶽海 (Komusubi) 8-6 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Chiyonokuni 千代の国 (Maegashira 6) 8-6 |
Shôhôzan 松鳳山 (Maegashira 3) 4-10 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Shodai 正代 (Komusubi) 4-10 |
Takarafuji 宝富士 (Maegashira 3) 6-8 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Takayasu 高安 (Sekiwake) 11-3 |
Kotoshôgiku 琴奨菊 (Sekiwake) 8-6 | | | hatakikomi 叩き込み | | | Terunofuji 照ノ富士 (ôzeki) 13-1 |
Harumafuji | | | yoritaoshi 寄り倒し | | | Tamawashi 玉鷲 (Sekiwake) 8-6 |
Kisenosato 稀勢の里 (Yokozuna) 12-2 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Kakuryû 鶴竜 (Yokozuna) 9-5 |
DOSUKOI.FR -Le site français du sumo |
Rikishis | Kimarite | Rikishis |
Kitataiki | | | uwate dashinage 上手出し投げ | | | Amuru (Makushita 1) |
Satoyama 里山 (Juryô 10) 7-7 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Asahishô 旭日松 (Juryô 13) 7-7 |
Asanoyama | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Seiro 青狼 (Juryô 10) 7-7 |
Daiamami 大奄美 (Juryô 9) 7-7 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Azumaryu 東龍 (Juryô 9) 8-6 |
Yamaguchi 山口 (Juryô 6) 8-6 | | | hatakikomi 叩き込み | | | Terutsuyoshi 照強 (Juryô 14) 8-6 |
Kotoeko | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Fujiazuma 富士東 (Juryô 14) 5-9 |
Kitaharima 北磻磨 (Juryô 11) 3-11 | | | oshitaoshi 押し倒し | | | Homarefuji 誉富士 (Juryô 5) 4-10 |
Chiyomaru 千代丸 (Juryô 4) 8-6 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Aminishiki 安美錦 (Juryô 12) 8-6 |
Kyokutaisei 旭大星 (Juryô 6) 8-6 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Oyanagi 小柳 (Juryô 4) 9-5 |
Hidenoumi 英乃海 (Juryô 3) 6-8 | | | uwate dashinage 上手出し投げ | | | |
Ryuden 竜電 (Juryô 8) 6-8 | | | oshitaoshi 押し倒し | | | Toyohibiki 豊響 (Juryô 3) 9-5 |
Gagamaru 臥牙丸 (Juryô 2) 6-8 | | | yorikiri 寄り切り | | | Amakaze |
Osunaarashi 大砂嵐 (Juryô 7) 9-5 | | | yoritaoshi 寄り倒し | | | Onosho 阿武咲 (Juryô 2) 9-5 |
Tsurugisho 剣翔 (Juryô 8) 8-6 | | | oshidashi 押し出し | | | Chiyotairyû 千代大龍 (Juryô 1) 8-6 |
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