Le sekiwake Mitakeumi a remporté sa 11e victoire d’affilée, conservant son avance dans ce tournoi.
Mitakeumi a remporté une victoire facile contre Kaisei (7-4). Le sekiwake toujours invaincu a été poussé par son adversaire au moment de la charge initiale, mais il a rapidement repris le dessus avant de forcer le Brésilien à sortir.
Dans les derniers combats de la journée, l’ôzeki Goeido (8-3) a battu Daishomaru (3-8) après trois défaites consécutives, tandis que Takayasu (7-4) a été incapable de dominer le sekiwake de 225 kilos Ichinojo ( 5-6).
Goeido et Takayasu ont besoin de huit victoires pour maintenir leur rang au prochain tournoi en septembre. Takayasu fera face à Mitakeumi demain qui a remporté neuf de leurs 12 rencontres précédentes.
La komusubi Tamawashi (6-5) a subi par Ikioi (6-5) sa cinquième défaite. Les deux hommes ont été obligés de refaire le combat après être tombés en même temps lors de la première rencontre.
Shohozan (3-8) a méritée sa victoire en battant Chiyonokuni (6-5). Quand le komusubi a obtenu une prise ferme à la ceinture du maegashira 2, il a ensuite projeté son adversair à terre.
Avec une majorité de défaites, Shohozan perdra probablement son rang de komusubi, un grade qu’il avait occupé la dernière fois en 2014.
Parmi les maegashira, Asanoyama et Tochiozan ont chacun obtenu leur neuvième victoire. Ils sont les seuls lutteurs à prétendre à cette deuxième place du classement.
Asanoyama a évincé Nishikigi (5-6) tandis que l’ancien sekiwake Tochiozan s’est imposé face à Chiyotairyu (7-4).
Après deux défaites consécutives, Endo (8-3) a réussi à vaincre Takakeisho (7-4). Le chouchou du public a été conduit sur le rebord mais il a avancé pour éviter une charge fatale de Takakeisho pour ensuite gifler son adversaire.
Yutakayama et Hokutofuji ont également gagné leur combat à l’inverse de Yoshikaze qui reste toujours sans victoire.
Tôt dans la journée, le maegashira 1 Kotoshogiku s’est retiré du tournoi après s’être blessé hier au tendon du coude gauche lors de son combat contre Tamawashi.
L’ancien ôzeki de 34 ans aura besoin de trois semaines de repos et de traitement.
Les lutteurs kachi koshi du jour sont
Les lutteurs make koshi du jour sont :
Sekiwake Mitakeumi earned his 11th straight victory, retaining his two-win lead at the Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament on Wednesday.
Mitakeumi claimed a solid win on Day 11 against No. 4 maegashira Kaisei (7-4), who had won all of their four previous match-ups. The undefeated sekiwake was pushed to his opponent’s right on the initial charge but quickly regained the upper hand and forced the Brazilian over the straw.
The 25-year-old Mitakeumi, who regained his former sekiwake status after going 9-6 as a komusubi at May’s Summer tourney, is closing in on his first top division title at the 15-day meet at Dolphins Arena.
In the day’s final bouts, ozeki Goeido (8-3) earned a winning record after three straight losses, beating No. 5 Daishomaru (3-8), while Takayasu (7-4) was unable to overpower 225-kilogram sekiwake Ichinojo (5-6).
Both Goeido and Takayasu entered the tournament as « kadoban » ozeki, needing eight wins to maintain their rank at the next grand tournament in September. Takayasu faces Mitakeumi on Day 12, and has won nine of their 12 meetings.
Komusubi Tamawashi (6-5) suffered his fifth loss after being pulled down by No. 2 Ikioi (6-5). The pair were forced to fight a rematch after both fell out of the ring at the same time in their first bout.
Shohozan (3-8) got a much-needed win and improved to 7-1 against Chiyonokuni (6-5) when the komusubi got a solid belt grip and threw the No. 2 maegashira to the clay.
But with only four days remaining, Shohozan will likely lose the komusubi rank he regained for the first time since 2014 after going 8-7 at this year’s Summer tourney, where he defeated yokozuna Kakuryu for his fifth « kinboshi » prize and earned the Outstanding Performance Award.
Among the rank-and-file maegashira, No. 13s Asanoyama and Tochiozan each secured his ninth win to remain the only wrestlers tied for second place, two wins off the pace.
Asanoyama forced out No. 10 Nishikigi (5-6), and is now one win away from tying his previous best record set in his makuuchi debut last September. Tochiozan, a former sekiwake who has yet to win a top division championship, bested No. 6 Chiyotairyu (7-4).
After two straight losses, fan-favorite Endo (8-3) was able to secure a winning record with a victory over No. 3 Takakeisho (7-4). After being driven to the straw, the No. 6 maegashira side-stepped to avoid a fatal charge from Takakeisho and slapped his opponent down.
No. 9 Yutakayama and No. 16 Hokutofuji also earned winning records.
Prior to the day’s bouts, top-ranked maegashira Kotoshogiku withdrew from the tournament after suffering a tendon injury in his left elbow when he was thrown out of the ring by komusubi Tamawashi in their match on Day 10.
The 34-year-old former ozeki was diagnosed with having damaged a tendon attached to his left triceps and will require up to three weeks of rest and treatment.
His withdrawal, the fifth in the top division following all three grand champions and new ozeki Tochinoshin, has ensured Kotoshogiku a losing record for the tournament and a likely demotion to a lower rank.
Written by Kyodo
Crédits photo : Asahi
Rikishis | Score | Kimarites | Score | Rikishis |
Ryuden 竜電 (Maegashira 15) | | | | | Onosho 阿武咲 (Maegashira 11) | |
Aoiyama 碧山 (Maegashira 11) | | | | | Arawashi 荒鷲 (Maegashira 12) | |
Asanoyama 朝乃山 (Maegashira 13) | | | | | Nishikigi 錦木 (Maegashira 10) | |
Chiyomaru 千代丸 (Maegashira 10) | | | | | Meisei 明生 (Maegashira 16) | |
Sadanoumi 佐田の海 (Maegashira 12) | | | | | Yutakayama 豊山 (Maegashira 9) | |
Myogiryu 妙義龍 (Maegashira 9) | | | | | | |
Chiyoshoma 千代翔馬 (Maegashira 8) | | | | | Ishiura 石浦 (Maegashira 15) | |
Okinoumi 隠岐の海 (Maegashira 14) | | | | | Daieisho 大栄翔 (Maegashira 7) | |
Takarafuji 宝富士 (Maegashira 7) | | | | | Kotoeko 琴恵光 (Maegashira 14) | |
Tochiôzan 栃煌山 (Maegashira 13) | | | | | | |
Kyokutaisei 旭大星 (Maegashira 8) | | | | | Yoshikaze 嘉風 (Maegashira 5) | |
Endo 遠藤 (Maegashira 6) | | | | | | |
Abi 阿炎 (Maegashira 3) | | | | | Kagayaki 輝 (Maegashira 4) | |
Shodai 正代 (Maegashira 1) | | | | | | Kotoshôgiku 琴奨菊 (Maegashira 1) |
Chiyonokuni 千代の国 (Maegashira 2) | | | | | Shôhôzan 松鳳山 (Komusubi) | |
Tamawashi 玉鷲 (Komusubi) | | | | | Ikioi 勢 (Maegashira 2) | |
Kaisei 魁聖 (Maegashira 4) | | | | | | |
Ichinojo 逸ノ城 (Sekiwake) | | | | | Takayasu 高安 (Ozeki) | |
Gôeidô 豪栄道 (Ozeki) | | | | | Daishomaru 大翔丸 (Maegashira 5) |
Rikishis | Score | Kimarites | Score | Rikishis |
Homarefuji 誉富士 (Juryo 14) | | | | | Chiyonoumi 千代の海 (Juryo 12) | |
Wakatakakage 若隆景 (Juryo 12) | | | | | Kiribayama (Makushita 3) | |
Tsurugisho 剣翔 (Juryo 7) | | | | | Churanoumi 美ノ海 (Juryo 14) | |
Kizenryu 希善龍 (Juryo 13) | | | | | Kyokushuho 旭秀鵬 (Juryo 6) | |
Seiro 青狼 (Juryo 6) | | | | | Yago 矢後 (Juryo 8) | |
Daishoho 大翔鵬 (Juryo 5) | | | | | Mitoryu 水戸龍 (Juryo 11) | |
Tobizaru 翔猿 (Juryo 13) | | | | | Aminishiki 安美錦 (Juryo 4) | |
Takanosho 隆の勝 (Juryo 4) | | | | | Chiyonoo 千代ノ皇 (Juryo 11) | |
Terutsuyoshi 照強 (Juryo 10) | | | | | Takanoiwa 貴ノ岩 (Juryo 3) | |
Kotoyuki 琴勇輝 (Juryo 3) | | | | | Tokushoryu 徳勝龍 (Juryo 9) | |
Hidenoumi 英乃海 (Juryo 5) | | | | | Takagenji 貴源治 (Juryo 2) | |
Daiamami 大奄美 (Juryo 2) | | | | | Shimanaoumi 志摩ノ海 (Juryo 8) | |
Azumaryu 東龍 (Juryo 7) | | | | | Akiseyama 明瀬山 (Juryo 1) | |
Takekaze 豪風 (Juryo 1) | | | | | Gagamaru 臥牙丸 (Juryo 9) |
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